
I am Sandra and as
„The Coaching Artist“ I offer you…


for Education & Entertainment

Education &

Entertainment for Artists

„My mission is to inspire you and other creatives with my art and knowledge.“

Hi, I'm Sandra Süsser,


The Coaching Artist and founder of S-Art School.

In other words: I create art myself as a Digital Artist, but also teach it as a Creative Coach, Lecturer, Author, YouTuber and some more ;).

Creatively successful

With my content, I want to offer you creative solutions to your problems and help you unleash your full creative potential to take off as a Digital Artist yourself.

Because I myself have experienced and overcome the downsides of being an unfulfilled artist and want more people to make it and best of all faster and easier!


Let's work together!

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© 2024 Sandra Süsser

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Discord – Creative Community (GER)



You may write an email to: info[a]sandra-suesser.de

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